Thursday, April 7, 2011

Forge ahead with baby steps

Facebook. Twitter. Same week. I am taking huge leaps ahead in this world of technology... perhaps my brain will implode.

I set up a Twitter account to follow Wayne State University School of Library and Information Sciences, the Dixie Chicks (I love them), NBC's Chuck (my absolute favourite show) and Zachary Levi (star of Chuck, who I also love). I wanted to add some others but they don't have a Twitter account, or I have already added an RSS feed for the site / individual. I don't think I need both a Twitter account and an RSS feed from the same entity.

At the moment I think that Twitter is interesting, but I will likely let this revolution pass me by.


  1. Chuck!!!! It is the best. I have been watching it in bits from the public library. Finally got to see the pilot. Glad I saw later shows first. I would not have liked Casey.

  2. I know... I love that show! Monday's episode made me gasp!

    It is brillant in its combination of humour, drama and action. It really has something for everyone.
