Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Head Over Heels...

Head Over Heels in love with flipped teaching that is.

Recently I had an opportunity to try flipped teaching methodology in a class that was being offered for the first time for GEOE students.  This opportunity came about when the instructor initially sought assistance with her own query, wondering how a librarian would search for information on that subject.  I showed her a couple of techniques that might help to improve the relevancy of her results and she immediately asked if I would be willing to create a video documenting this process for her students.  She then suggested that we experiment with flipped teaching.  If you know me, you know that I instantly agreed!

This process ran from October to January.  I sought the assistance of the library's new instructional designer, hoping for more information on this methodology.  I also spent a lot of time pondering what the instruction the video portion would provide and then what information would be covered in the in-class segment.

I created the video capture in December as the in-class segment was scheduled for the second week of classes in the winter semester.  Students were assigned the video, which was embedded within Blackboard on the first day of class.  They were to have watched the video and answer two pages of questions created by the instructor by the following Monday.

During the in-class session, we reviewed the pre-assignment and I asked further questions to clarify the information and encourage critical thinking skills. We then employed pair-shares and group discussions for students to start working through their research project.  I also used a comparison technique which asked half the class to look at Google Scholar and the other half to look at USearch.  They then had to convince the other group why their resource was superior!

The feedback from the class was very positive.  Students enjoyed the ability to pause the video and re-watch sections when necessary.  There was also a positive reaction to the in-class session as they were able to ask questions, seek advice and review suggestions.

The success of this project was due in large part to the enthusiasm, support and involvement of the instructor.  She created an opportunity where there was a direct tie between the library instruction and a class assignment.  There was buy-in from students and eager participation because of it.

I look forward to flipped teaching taking the library instruction world by storm!

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