Thursday, May 29, 2014

And now for something completely different...

An Introduction to Design Thinking
How can you integrate the design philosophy into information literacy instruction?  Follow these steps:
  1. false start - you just start designing, but you haven't asked the right questions and you don't have enough information
  2. to design something meaningful and useful you need to conduct interviews to gain a deeper understanding of what they need / or are after
    • share potential ideas
  3. re-frame the problem by capturing findings (needs and insights) and then define the problem statement
  4. generate alternatives to test
    • share solution and request further feedback
  5. reflect and generate a new solution
  6. build
  7. share and get feedback again
    • what worked, what could be improved, questions, ideas
To illustrate these steps, the presenters had us partner up and design a wallet.  They chose a wallet because it is something that we are all familiar with and because no one is usually completely happy with the design/functionality of their own personal wallet.

Takeaways:  you need constant feedback and open dialogue.  This is not a static process as you may not be meeting the user's needs if you have not asked enough questions or sought feedback.  

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