Thursday, November 13, 2014


One of the sections of the book proposal was to provide a list of book reviewers.  At first we thought that meant reviewers for the final copy so we left it blank - hoping that we had some time to work on that list.  We were wrong - it was a list of reviewers for the proposal.  So next problem, if we seek out experts in the field, what happens when we also want to call on those people to generate content for us?  Library and Information Science is a fairly small field in Academia, smaller still when we consider online instruction.  Well no problem, they can be contributors later. 

We surveyed lists of presentations from recent library conferences that focused on this topic for individuals researching online learning, etc.  From these presentations we generated a list of potential reviewers and sent them an email asking them to review our proposal.  We were positively delighted to immediately receive responses and their willingness to participate in our project!

We will see what the editors say about our initial list.  If we need to seek additional reviewers, we think we might look at the authors of those competing books.  I wonder how that would go?!?

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