Friday, October 16, 2015

Mapping Behaviour

Ruby Warren - University of Manitoba
Students in Space: Mapping Student Behaviour

-    behavioural mapping
-    scaleable, observational method
-    most of the time it doesn't require ethics approval
-    space, design and users and how they interact
-    determine a criteria for observation and develop a standardized shorthand for your notations
-    who are you watching?
-    how long (what time frame?), and what time frames during the day that you are most interested in observing (for what purpose)
-    are there criteria that can cause you to stop? (student left the area, or stopped moving, or?)
-    GNU Image Manipulation Program (free to use)
-    digital floorplans, drawing tablets and programs that allows layers
-    distinct areas in the space
-    according to intended use, or features of interest by zone
-    what was going on where and using zones and layers will make it easier to analyse later
-    could be used for traffic patterns for example
-    analysis performed by tracking observation notations in each zone via a spreadsheet
-    noticed little differentiation between AM/PM in regards to the use of the space
-    method used in environmental design, museums, healthcare, childcare
-    easy for others to implement this method, does not require a huge investment.  keep tools simple, or use more advanced technology

-    watch a traffic pattern, create the space.  for example: no traffic, put offices there.  or do we need to redesign the space, change signage, improve lighting

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