Friday, October 16, 2015

Student Researcher

Maureen Babb - University of Alberta
An Ongoing Study: The Perception of Academic Librarians as Researchers

-    online survey - 6 major Canadian Universities (librarian, non-librarians)
-    top 3 roles of librarians are: teaching, research, collection management
-    top 3 roles of non-librarians are: research support, facilitating access to information, research
-    perhaps a limitation of the survey, asking about research specifically, so likely responses have to do with research
-    research is essential to good service
-    librarians as researchers, but not necessarily seen as academics
-    conducting research can help to improve outside faculty members opinions of us as respected researchers
-    research or equivalent activity, falls under professional or scholarly activity

-    online survey was the first step, next she will be conducting interviews with individuals who were willing to participate (i.e. from the survey, I am willing to be contacted in the future)

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