Friday, September 16, 2022

Week One Discussion Posts

Q1) What do you notice most about today's learner? What makes them unique? What's the biggest challenge they present to us in how we build learner experiences today?

I think there is a notion that our learning materials have to be quick and grab the learner's attention immediately, but I have seen my own children watch videos on YouTube that are ridiculously long and frankly ridiculous. I would argue that it is about engagement and motivation. If they are interested, they will watch the whole thing. I would also argue that they do not need to be interested and engaged in every class that they take. Some are just necessary to fulfill the requirements.

In my experience, new learners in post-secondary are not interested in online learning at all. Many of my friends' kids are starting university this year. They are horrified that they are stuck back online, or avoiding these classes at all costs. They want to be in classrooms, and interacting with peers.

Q2) As educators, we are accustomed to wearing lots of hats. But in light of the modern learner, what are the new hats we now have to wear?

I think it is the balance between the LMS and in-person presentation of content when we are in blended learning environments. We need to consider what is necessary, how it is delivered and why? Otherwise, you are doing a disservice to both learning environments.

The other thing that I would point out is that an online class never ends. Discussion boards are overwhelming, because conversations continue and there is a never ending supply of unread posts. There is so much content. When I was completing my undergraduate degree, the class was 3 hours a week and that was it. Done. Blended or online learning can make time management very challenging.

Q3) How do you define "LXD"? What does it mean to you?

The connection between Pedagogy, Instructional Design, Educational Technology, Assessment, UDL, Academic Integrity, and Indigenization. Looking at all of the various lens and perspectives to provide a positive learning experience.

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