Thursday, June 6, 2019

Own it

My leadership style lets others thrive.  I want to work towards a common goal with enthusiasm and passion about the task ahead.  I want the team to feel invested in the project, and that they have been given an opportunity to shine.  I am very gratified when my team is successful.  I am not competitive and feel no need to be acknowledged.

I set the course and then trust the team to do what they are really good at.  I delegate with responsibility, meaning that I follow up and make sure that the person has what they need to successfully complete the task and that they are on track.  I acknowledge success and failure along the way with poise and with gratitude.  I ensure that I verbally express all of the small things along the way where I felt that the person went above and beyond my expectations of that role. 

I try really hard to be open to constructive feedback.  If it something where I am heavily invested in, I find it hard to not take this feedback personally, but I am working on it.

If I make a mistake, I own it and apologize for it.  I also allow myself to learn from failure.

I do not feel that my style has changed all that much over the years, but my confidence has.  I used to be easily intimidated by challenges and by assertive people.  I have learned to stand my ground and believe in myself and my position.   

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